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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Caste system is very important at the same time it is very dangerous in present society.Before discussing why caste system is very dangerous we should now,How cast system is evoluted.

In the period of indo aryan there is no caste system they leaved in homogeneous.But later increasing of people they set in different professions gradually these professions became different castes.In this period there is no restriction to change cast people can freely change there cast to caste.For example Parasuram brahmin by birth he became kshatriya by profession,Vishwamitra kshatriya by birth he became not only brahmin but also brahmarishi,not only parasuram,vishvamitra my great sages in history one caste by birth they adopted another caste profession

According to "Mahabharatha" literature "Manu"a king according to him brahman born from mouth of god Kshetriyas from arm of god Vaishyas from stomach sudras from foot of god.Sudras is low class when compared to above three caste." Sudra get struggles in olden days total society not only olden day today also they get struggels,But in olden days they had no entry in temples if they mistakenly enter into temple they get seviour punishment.

Today also these group get struggle and domination from upper group they looked like a ant to upper class.Our constitution writer Dr.B.R Ambedkar born in Backward (sudra) family, why people accept this constitution who r neglating sudra group people,they want constitution who wrote by Backward person but they are not consider as human being.
Present generation already ignoring back word people, but why these generation teaching to new generation about caste system.It is continued in new generation also and they also ignore backword people
Due to the ignoring Backward people many geninus person unable to show their talent in any flatform
So freinds please they are also persons with us dont neglate them,their and our blood same no different.Please encourege people who r came from backword caste but dont ignore them.
Naveen Dharmareddy

Friday, June 18, 2010

Now a Days Students Living competition world

Now a days students living in competition world,of course its a good thing,but now a days parents teachers pushing students for good ranks
It effects on students psychology as a result student commiting sucide if he cant get good rank with fear.

Now a days parents comparing their children with other its wrong this also one of the reason student commiting sucide.

Famous personalities in the world they are not a ranker but they became a famous b'coz they had no any preasure in their mind.
Now days students thinking "Im not gaining good rank so im unfit for education" this also one reason to student going to sucide.

So students please dont commit sucide if u cant get good rank.Sucide is not a solution.If u cant get good rank try once again u deffently suceed one day.Famous scientist like Edison,GrahamBell cant success in first attempt try tried a lot of times finally they succeed
So students please dont descourage if u cant get good rank try and try oneday u defently suceed


Naveen Dharmareddy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How many days we said to India is still developing country

How many days we said to others still India is Developing country its a shame.Not only corruption of bureaucracy but also corruption politicians exist in India.Indian people mainly villegers vote to representatives who give money or vote in religion feeling but not in intelligency.Iam asking one question"politicians spend huge of money in the time of election for vote, after election if he win, his intension is to recover of money what he spend before election for vote so he not shows to serve people, after recovery of money what he spent in the time of election, he like to serve people otherwise he cannot intrest to serve he never sever to people for better society".
My opinion is mainly youth educate the people about corruption politicians who giving money for vote.And said to people vote with intalegency but not with regiolism feeling and who give money to people.
I have one doubt why people before entering politics very poor after they became rich,what is the reason any one know , becoz politicians after getting power they theft like a thief people money and property,
My opinion is to remove corruption in politicians By giving indipendent power to ACB department and give right to ride not bureocracy but also people reprensentative.In this way constitution has been changed, 10 yrs is enough to say India is developed country...............

Yesterday News About Srikalahasthi Temple Gopuram

Its Very Very Bad News,Andhra Pradesh lost a historical construction.This situation shows Bureocracy neglijency.But Now Bureocracy says its an old contrustion thats why it colapse.This is not only old construction in the world there so many old construction in world like pisa tower in italy 2000yrs above bureocracy indentify pisa colapse soon but that bureocracy cannot take rest they try to save the tower and finally succed.Ofcourse our bureocracy said yesterday recontruct that gopuram,but after consturction new one that gopuram really lost that history no one bureocracy cannot take back that history its true.
Our bureocracy used only in corruption matter, they are first in corruption matter
Actually we are (comon man) encouraging corruption,example:Any bureocracy not intrest to do work people put some amout of money in the hands of bureocracy.This is absolutely wrong.
So freinds any bureocracy ask money for work dont give him.After read this post u will get one doubt i.e,without money work done is possible ofcource it is possible work done with bureocracy its our right,but dont give money its my request

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yesterday I saw tv9 channel

Yesterday I saw tv9 channel about actress muder, why these chanel show again and again it is any good news program not only yesterday program, all crime news.Actually these programs leads to another crime why becoz In india people attract early on these type of pragram it give idea to people.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How the value of frendship in present generation

Friendship is precious word,there is no good relation in the world as like frienship.Now a days the value of friendship is ruined.Now a days some people ruined the value of word "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED".

I have personal experience in friendship i met one friend in my college idont no about him really when he met,later my political science lecturer told to me about him "She said he has so many bad habits like Drucks,Smoking ect,

So this type of people do friendship only for fun,there is no real friendship.In my opinion real friendship is
"A friend can help to other friend when in need" that is the real friendship..Now a days these type of friendship is existed? Answers is "YES"

10 persons can do this type of friendship in out of 1 crore persons.Actually This is not say atleast 1% of friendship it is 000000000.000001 percent exit this type of friendship,90% of people addicted to drucks by given by waste persons(Bad friends) in this way they are spoiling their life.
So Dear friends and viewers of my post, I am not saying dont do friendship , do friendship but think for while of minute before doing friendship.Give respect To word "Friendship" .After listen my words atleast one person try to change I feel happy.
Dharmareddy Naveen